This module belongs to a group of modules generally used for the control of technological processes. Acquires data from connected analog sensors and switches one to eight connected devices, based on the superior system’s commands.

Main usage:

  • on/off switching of technological devices
  • measurement of physical quantities using connected analog sensors (with high impedance outputs)
  • measurement of physical quantities with connected sensors with 0-20mA or 0-10V output
The module has standard inputs for analog probes such as pH, Redox, temperature (PT100), and universal analog inputs 0-10V (or 4-20mA). It also has contact inputs and eight triac outputs with 230V AC. The module also has an input for an internal sensor to measure air pressure.

The module is powered by a 10-24V DC power supply.

Connection to the master system is required and is via the Modbus-RTU protocol (via RS485). 

input for Redox sensor ... galvanically isolated input
input for pH sensor ... galvanically isolated input
input for PT100 sensor .... galvanically isolated input
3x inputs for current sensing using an external current transformer, synchronized with 3 triac outputs (0.5A - 50A, depending on used current transformer)
analog input 0-10V or 4-20mA including power supply for connected sensor 5/10/12/15 / 24V max. 1W
3x input for contact sensing
3x analog input 0-3.2V
input for air pressure measurement using an internal pressure sensor

3x triac output 230V AC with external current measurement
5x triac output with current sensing

LED signaling
indicates power supply, communication of module with superior system, on/off status of outputs, current sensing for connected devices, on/off contact sensing, etc.

The master system communicates with the module using the Modbus RTU protocol. Changes in the module configuration and switching of outputs are ensured via holding registers. Status information are accessible via input registers. The holding registers also store data related to the calibration of measuring inputs. Configuration and calibration data are stored in the EEPROM memory.